
We are pleased to inform you that the 6th International Symposium on Aero-aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC2014) will be held from 13th to 16th November 2014 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The ISABMEC is a unique series of international symposia started by The Society of Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ABMECH), aiming at bridging across biologists, scientists and engineers and advancing the interdisciplinary fields of novel mechanisms in biological systems and biomimetics. Our past symposia (Honolulu 2000, Honolulu 2003, Okinawa 2006, Shanghai 2009, and Taipei 2012) have been successful in attracting about 300 participants from more than 10 countries.

The ISABMEC 2014 in Honolulu will be a memorable event for colleagues and friends from all over the world to establish friendships and to promote academic exchanges at an international and interdisciplinary level. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it gives us great pleasure to warmly welcome you and your colleagues to attend this symposium.